BrewingWork has an extensive database of over 30,000 candidates.

As our database is diverse, we are able to assist with recruitment for all executive positions — general manager, director of operations, sales, marketing, finance and all C-level positions.

A typical search entails:

  • Searching our extensive resume database for qualified candidates and reaching out to qualified individuals to determine their interest in the role
  • Posting the position on and social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook)
  • Presenting our client with a summary of candidates who have applied and those who are in our database who we feel are qualified
  • Based on our client’s feedback, we determine next steps including pre-screening interviews by us and connecting the candidate and our client for a further interview

We work on a contingency fee basis thus, if you do not hire a candidate that we present to you, no recruitment fees are owed. Our clients receive consistent communication and qualified candidates.

To discuss your recruiting needs, please contact us today.