Change Management

Change, that dreaded word, change. Most people shudder at the thought of change, whether it is minor or has a huge impact on them. Much research has been done behind the psychology of why some people have such a difficult time accepting change (7,450,000 google hits to be exact), however it doesn’t have to be a life altering occurrence if handled with some foresight.

Prepare: determine the impact e.g. number of people affected, is it a small or big change Readiness: assess the team and identify key stakeholders; include allies and resistors

Plan: identify sponsors – this can be as simple as having the managers buy-in and support the change; their leadership will help manage the process if their support is genuine

Communicate: build awareness before the change occurs, engage stakeholders for feedback and continue to communicate during and after the roll-out

Train: If the change is a doozy, you may consider bringing in professional help to assist your managers and train them on how to sell the change to their team

Resistance: yes, there will still be some but if you continue to listen to their concerns and communicate the “why”, it can be minimized

Change is inevitable in every business. How you plan and execute it, though, could be the difference between a potential employee revolt vs. high-fives around the table. Good luck!


Post by: Lynn McIlwee